The Everyday Ryder
The Everyday Ryder
The Everyday Ryder
The Everyday Ryder
The Everyday Ryder
The Everyday Ryder
The Everyday Ryder
The Everyday Ryder
The Everyday Ryder
The Everyday Ryder
The Everyday Ryder

The Everyday Ryder

Regular price $1,105.00
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The Everyday Ryder - Order takes 6-8 Weeks - Call for a Shipping Quote

Sample Dimensions:
9'6" x 23 1/4 x 3

Size Range: 9' - 9'8

Description: Designed by G&S Team Rider and Shaper Isaac Wood to be the ultimate "Everyday Rider" that could handle the largest variety of surf conditions, size and type of surf breaks as possible. If you can only have one longboard this, is it! Featuring a unique blend of "Classic" and subtle "High Performance" elements, the Everyday Model has a balanced relaxed rocker for smooth fast speed, low round rails for user friendly turns and lift, a blended nose concave that is set 6" back from our standard concaves. allowing easier wave entry and smooth, stable noseriders. The tail is slightly narrower for more control in steep sections and combines an innovative rounded, tucked edge in the tail that offers a blend of hold and release out of turns that really make this board perform.

Experience Level: Beginner to Expert

Wave Type: Designed to perform in a variety of conditions from knee to overhead.


  • A Hand - shaped U.S. Blanks Green Density Foam with 1/4" Basswood Stringer, 2-Layers of 6 oz Glass plus a Knee patch and Tail Patch.
  • Single Fin Box with side bites a Drill hole for string loop -Fins Included
  • Gloss & Polish Finish.

Shipping is Additional.

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Ph. (858) 270-1140